Women are responsible for a disproportionate amount of household chores and activites compared to men. This unpaid labor across the globe has far-reaching implications in gender equality
According to the United Nations, women worldwide only earn $0.77 for every dollar earned by a man. To achieve gender parity in our lifetime, we must address the gap in pay equity
Mothers with children of all ages are unable to return to the workforce, due to the mounting pressures of inequitable gender divisions in the labor market
LEARN: Exploring the complex layers of gender inequality through this website is a great first step in learning about the issues women face worldwide. Continue questioning with curiosity and consider reviewing additional data available in the listed sources below each graph.
LISTEN: Gain a deeper understanding than data can provide by listening to the lived experiences of women around you. Honest conversations with your colleagues, partners, relatives, and friends who are enthusiastic and open to sharing will serve you tenfold.
LIFT: Rise to the challenge of uplifting other women. Refuse to be a bystander in improving the conditions of gender inequality by taking these steps to learn, listen, and lift.
For more information on women’s issues and steps towards achieving gender parity, visit:
This website was developed by a team of students at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government from the Class of 2022 and 2023. It is the final project for a course called "DPI 691M: Programming and Data for Policymakers" and was developed in January 2022.